space space

Albert A. Nofi

Designer:Albert A. Nofi

Published games

Caporetto SPIAlbert A. NofiBoardGreat War in the East
Strategy and Tactics
Albert A. NofiWarS&T
Imperium Romanum1979West End GamesAlbert A. NofiWar 
Imperium Romanum II1985West End GamesAlbert A. NofiWar 
Knights and Knaves Nimrod GamesAlbert A. NofiWar 
Renaissance SPIAlbert A. NofiWar 
Salerno: Operation Avalanche1978West End GamesAlbert A. NofiWar 
The Great War: 1914-19181979West End GamesJohn Prados
Albert A. Nofi
Vicksburg Rand Game AssociatesAlbert A. NofiWar 
Von Manstein Rand Game AssociatesAlbert A. NofiWar 
Wellington in the Peninsula Rand Game AssociatesAlbert A. NofiWar 

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